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Webseiten-Empfehlung Natur-Fototagebuch von Elke Menzel-van den Bruck; mit großer Artenkenntnis hält Sie Ihre alltäglichen Beobachtungen fest. Diese Webseite ist ein Loblied an die genaue Betrachtung unserer natürlichen Umwelt! Hier lernt man: das Wunder steckt auch im Unscheinbaren! |
website recommendation Nature Observation PhotoDiary of Mrs. Elke Menzel-van den Bruck (only available in german); this very unboastful website provides a wonderful detailed view on everydays photo observations. Nothing spectacular you could say, but with a huge knowledge of all observed species (both zoological and botanical) she introduces us into the small but remarkable miracles of nature which surround us everywhere. This little website teaches us to train our more precise look onto nature! Yes: these miracles are hidden even in the apparently insignificant things around us. Some pictures provide a nice rollover effect to magnify an interesting detail... |
max. online: 61 (16.12.2005, 16:56:43) |